
Ben helped facilitate the PETEX Educational Software grant from Petroleum Experts, valued at $2,764,444.11. This software permits students to apply 3D computer numerical modeling to complex fault and fracture systems.

  • 本·苏普勒斯是赌博娱乐平台网址大全的地球科学教授, 他在那里教授构造地质学课程, 地表过程, 全球气候变化, 地球环境系统, 以及第一年的经验, 气候变化.  本让学生参与他在内华达州西部的研究, 德州西部, 和犹他州南部, 他在哪里研究断层的地质演化, fold systems, 裂缝网络

    本在威斯康辛州北部长大, 高中老师的儿子, and went to college at Carleton College in Minnesota before attending graduate school at Stanford University.  At Stanford, he combined field and laboratory research to elucidate the evolution of fault systems in western Nevada.  同时, Ben’s experiences as a teaching assistant began to shape his teaching style, 其中涉及到主动的组合, 动手实地和实验室调查, 认真的讨论, 并使用清楚, 简明的视觉例子,以配合复杂的材料.

    • Ph.D.斯坦福大学
    • B.A.卡尔顿学院
    • Surpless, B.McKeighan, C.*, 2022, The role of fracture branching in the evolution of fracture networks: An outcrop study of the Jurassic Navajo Sandstone, 南犹他州:构造地质学杂志, v. 161.  DOI: 10.1016/j.jsg.2022.104664
    • Surpless, B.E.索恩,S.*, 2021, 华苏克山脉正断层系统的分割, Nevada (USA):  implications for earthquake rupture and Walker Lane dynamics:  Geological Society of America Bulletin, DOI:  10.1130/B35756.1
    • Surpless, B.E.和南卡罗来纳州的威金顿.*, 2020, The impact of inter-bed cohesion on fold-related fracture development, 史迪威背斜, 西德州(美国):构造地质学杂志, v. 134.  doi: doi: 10.1016/j.jsg.2019.103974.
    • Surpless, B., Hill, N.*和比斯利,C.*, 2015, The unusual 3D interplay of basement fault reactivation and fault-propagation-fold development: a case study of the Laramide-age Stillwell anticline, 西德州(美国):构造地质学杂志, p. 42 - 56: doi: 10.1016/ j.jsg.2015.07.003.
    • Surpless, B.E.克罗格,G., 2014, The unusual temporal and spatial slip history of the Wassuk Range normal fault, western Nevada (USA): implications for seismic hazard and Walker Lane deformation:美国地质学会公报,doi: 10.1130/B31159.1.
    • Surpless, B., Bushey, M.Halx, M., 2014, Developing scientific literacy in introductory lab courses: a model for course design and assessment: Journal of Geoscience Education. v. 62, p. 244 - 263, doi: 10.5408/13-073.1.
    • Holland, J.*; Surpless., Smith, D.和拉基,J.S., 2013, Intrusive History and Petrogenesis of the Ash Mountain Complex, 内华达山脉岩基, 加州(美国):地圈, v. 9, p. 691 - 717, doi: 10.1130 / GES00890.1.
    • D'Errico, M.E.*, Lackey, J.S.B.E., Loewy, S.L., Wooden, J.L., Barnes, J.D.思特里克兰德,A.和J . Valley.W., 2012, A detailed record of shallow hydrothermal fluid flow in the Sierra Nevada magmatic arc from low-δ18O skarn garnets: Geology, v. 40, p. 10.1130/G33008.1.
    • Bormann, J.B.威斯诺斯基,S.和M . Caffee., 2012, Holocene earthquakes and late Pleistocene slip rate estimates on the Wassuk Range fault zone, Nevada, USA:  Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, v. 102, p. 1884 – 1891.
    • Surpless, B.E., 2011华苏克山脉中部新生代构造演化, 内华达州西部:国际地质评论, doi:  10.1080/00206814.2010.548117.
    • Surpless, B.E., 2010, Geology of the central Wassuk Range, western NV:  Geological Society of America Maps, No. 98.


    Ben's current research focuses on two themes in structural geology. 在内华达州西部, 地震活跃区, he is investigating the role of range-scale segmentation in the evolution of mountainous topography. 他问了这样一个问题:如果山脉是分段的, or broken, 由一个重大的故障系统, 随后的变形会如何变化? Range-scale segmentation has implications for the propagation of faults and earthquake slip, 因此可以从根本上影响地震危险性的评估.

    在西德克萨斯,本专注于 耦合褶皱断裂系统的演化, hoping to understand how deep, unexposed faults affect the layers of rock above them. 的良好的曝光, folded rocks above these fault systems provide an opportunity to both determine the evolution of the fold as well as the behavior of rock units involved in the folding. The fractures that develop as part of these systems change the permeability of the layers, which has broad application to the flow of both water and petroleum in the subsurface.

    在犹他州南部, Ben investigates the relationship between complex normal fault systems and the fracture networks that develop as a consequence of fault propagation and slip.  就像他在德克萨斯州西部的研究一样, these exposed fault systems permit direct observations of features that are usually deeply buried beneath the surface.  通过结合实地考察, 断口分析, 和三维计算机建模, Ben and his students hope to elucidate how fault 裂缝网络 evolve, which has significant implications for fluid flow in similar systems in the subsurface.

    • 地球环境系统
    • 动态地球
    • 构造地质学
    • 全球气候变化
    • The FYE, 气候变化
    • 地表过程

    Dr. 苏普勒斯被任命为2020年博士学位的获得者. and Mrs. Z.T. 斯科特学院奖学金, 赌博娱乐平台网址大全的最高荣誉, in recognition of his outstanding abilities as a teacher and mentor. Ben has also been awarded grants from the National Science Foundation to support his research in southern Utah (active from 2021-2024) west Texas (2012-2016) as well as his work to integrate of teaching and research (2010-2014) here at 圣赌博平台网站大全.  这些奖助金, 总共超过490美元,000, have allowed Ben to expand his research of fault zones and coupled fold-fracture evolution and have supported the involvement of a significant number of undergraduates in his investigations.  In 2013, Ben earned 圣赌博平台网站大全’s Junior Faculty Teaching and Research Award.

    Ben has served on the Faculty Senate and recently served as Chair of Trinity's Quality Enhancement Plan Selection Committee.  In addition, Ben organized the Geological Society of America's South-Central Section meeting in San Antonio, which was attended by more than 500 scientists from across the country.  他也是赌博娱乐平台网址大全联合劝募运动的联合主席, 他曾在校园可持续发展委员会任职, the ad-hoc committee to develop a Center for Teaching and Learning, 学生行为审查委员会, 资讯科技委员会, CEEL特别工作组, 地质俱乐部, and he was part of the successful effort to develop the 环境研究 major.