chad spigel pointing at a book next to two students
赌博娱乐平台网址大全 Announces 2020-21 教师 Promotions and Tenure
13 faculty promoted; 9 granted tenure

赌博娱乐平台网址大全 University is proud to announce the following faculty promotions, which took effect for the Fall 2020 semester on September 1.


Lanette Garza, MSLS
Promoted to Associate Professor at Coates 图书馆 and Granted Tenure
Garza在图书馆的工作和研究重点是电子资源的评估, resource management, and best practices for collection assessment. She also serves as the library liaison to the School of Business, 她在哪里提供信息素养课程和研究预约.   

Promoted to Associate Professor of Accounting and Granted Tenure
霍姆斯在公共会计领域工作了近30年,然后开始了他的第二职业——会计学教授. 她多年的经验有助于为课堂上的学生提供真实的例子. She is passionate about mentoring students, 寻找方法鼓励他们培养作为积极学习者的信心,并认识到知识为他们打开了大门.

Sarah Beth Kaufman, Ph.D.
Promoted to Associate Professor Sociology and Granted Tenure
As part of her doctoral research, 考夫曼花了两年时间观看了美国各地数百小时的死刑审判. 她特别对社会学与表演艺术的交叉方式感兴趣. She co-authored a play titled 说实话该报告是在2016年总统大选期间对172名德州人进行的定性访谈中得出的. 作为表演, 当伊斯兰教成为美国政治辩论的话题时,它让人们看到了高风险. 考夫曼也刚刚出版了一本关于她对死刑研究的书: 美国轮盘赌.

Andrew Kraebel, Ph.D. 
Promoted to Associate Professor of English and Granted Tenure
克雷贝尔研究了中世纪文学批评的历史, 致力于恢复从九世纪到十五世纪的男人和女人参与他们最权威的文本的许多不同方式, especially the Bible and the poetry inherited from Latin antiquity. His most recent book, 中世纪后期英国的《赌博娱乐平台网址大全》注释与翻译:解释学的实验 (剑桥, 2020), 为理解宗教改革前英国对圣经的解释提供了一个新的框架, drawing attention to many new and previously neglected sources.  

Promoted to Associate Professor of Chemistry and Granted Tenure
maed的研究重点是描述基因表达的一个关键机制, pre-messenger RNA splicing. 她目前的工作重点是确定几种基本剪接蛋白调节剪接体组装和激活的机制. Since coming to 赌博娱乐平台网址大全, 她与学生一起发表了四篇同行评审的出版物,并获得了超过1美元的奖励.5 million in funding to support her research from multiple sources, 包括国家卫生研究院, NSF,  the Welch Foundation and the 圣安东尼奥 Area Foundation. 最近. maed received a Voelcker Young Investigator Award 以支持她在退行性眼病方面的工作.

Shana McDermott, Ph.D.
Promoted to Associate Professor of Economics and Granted Tenure
Trained as an applied microeconomist, 麦克德莫特的研究重点是共同决定人类和自然系统,并制定政策,使人类能够更好地管理自然资源. Her current research examines invasive species valuation and management, the unintended behavioral effects of environmental policy, and the indirect health benefits provided by ecosystem services.  

威廉·E. 詹森,Ph值.D. 
Director of the 赌博娱乐平台网址大全 debate team, Jensen’s teams have frequently been ranked in the top 20 in the nation. 最近,他的球队总排名第14位,这是赌博娱乐平台网址大全历史上的第一次. In addition to his work with the debate team, he researches contemporary American political discourse, 关注竞选者和活动家的辩论策略和修辞技巧. 

Adam Schreiber, MFA
一般来说, Schreiber的作品探讨了摄影物质性和存档冲动之间的关系. 他的作品通常将小建筑作为未完成历史的存储库和机构隐瞒的标记. His work has been exhibited throughout the United States.  

帕特里克·D. 谢,Ph值.D.
谢伊的研究运用组织理论来理解和解释卫生保健组织面临的现象, 包括在地方多医院系统中观察到的分化和整合, as well as the impact of regulation on post-acute care providers, 等. 目前, 他教授研究生课程,主题包括卫生服务组织, organization theory, 卫生政策, health care innovation, and population health management. Prior to his doctoral studies, 他曾在德克萨斯州南部的一个急性后系统担任医疗保健管理员.

The following faculty have been promoted to full professor:

Michele Johnson, Ph.D.
Promoted to Professor of Biology
约翰逊的实验室小组对影响社会行为的生态因素和这些行为背后的生理机制感兴趣. Most of the lab’s work uses Caribbean lizards in the genus Anolis, 或变色蜥蜴一样, 但他们也探索了德克萨斯州中南部当地野外出现的蜥蜴的多样性. She uses field observations, laboratory experiments, molecular genetics, neuroendocrine techniques, and comparative methodology to explore behavioral evolution.

Michael Schreyach, Ph.D.
Promoted to Professor of Art and Art History
Schreyach从技术角度研究二十世纪的抽象绘画, 正式的, 文化, 历史, and philosophical standpoints. He is the author of Pollock’s Modernism (Yale University Press, 2017) as well as articles on Barnett Newman, 汉斯•霍夫曼, 约翰·杜威, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, 塞•托姆布雷携手, 安妮·特鲁伊特. 他的第二本书, 纽曼的整体, is under contract with the University of California Press. 

Promoted to Professor of Religion
斯皮格尔的研究和教学兴趣包括犹太教堂崇拜在古代犹太社区中的作用, approaches to the study of Jews and Judaism, and the use of archaeology and the Bible in popular media. 他曾参与过几次考古发掘工作,并于2011年至2014年担任以色列古村庄Huqoq发掘的区域主管. 斯皮格尔目前是赌博娱乐平台网址大全梅隆大学艺术与人文本科研究项目的负责人, a councilor for the Arts and Humanities division of CUR, 他正在写一本关于宗教研究本科生研究的书. 

Promoted to Professor of Geosciences
Surpless conducts research in a variety of locations,包括 West Texas, 内华达, 和犹他州, using advanced technology to survey folds and faultlines in the Earth. The National Science Foundation has funded his research, 让Surpless提供的数据有助于我们加深对断层线的理解,以及它们如何随着时间的推移而增长和相互作用. 这些数据影响地下水、地热能、天然气和石油等资源. He has also been using drones to analyze and build on work from the past, 建立断层的三维模型,并创建具有精确物理尺寸的景观. This year, he received 赌博娱乐平台网址大全’s Z.T. Scott award, the highest honor bestowed on a 赌博娱乐平台网址大全 faculty member.


23岁的悉尼·罗兹(Sydney Rhodes)作为战略传播与营销部门的一名写作实习生,帮助讲述了赌博娱乐平台网址大全的故事.

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