Letter from 20th President Vanessa B. Beasley


Trinity Community,

I am delighted to present Trinity University’s 2022-23 Annual Report. This chronological report takes us on a journey through our significant achievements during the academic year. By almost any metric—academic and student success, campus and community involvement, alumni engagement, facilities, and finances—Trinity is living into its values of enduring excellence, intentional inclusion, and perpetual discovery.

I am proud of what we have accomplished together and thankful for the warm welcome our students, faculty, staff, alumni, and friends extended to me during my first year as president of this extraordinary institution.

Please take a moment to reflect on the year that was. And just as important, let us encourage one another to dream big as we plan for Trinity’s great future. With your support, we will build on our foundation while growing our University into a nationally recognized institution that instills an innate desire to bring learning to life.

Vanessa B. Beasley
President, Trinity University

headshot of Vanessa B. Beasley
2022 - 2023

Trinity University Annual Report

A review of Trinity University’s 2022-23 academic year that celebrates the University’s major milestones.

For questions, please contact:

Office of the President

Overview     Letter from President Beasley

AUG 2022     New Leadership, New Beginnings

SEP 2022     Higher Profile, More Acclaim

SEP 2022     Building for the Future

OCT 2022     Alma Mater Matters

FEB 2023    Invested and Ignited

FEB 2023    A Major Decision

MAR 2023    Athletic Moves

MAY 2023    Bright Students, Bright Futures

MAY 2023    Trinity Tomorrow