Get Involved

The geosciences department believes that learning happens both in and outside the classroom. In addition to performing independent research on or off-campus, students who major or take courses in geosciences may participate in a variety of co-curricular activities, such as the Geology Club and Delta Xi, and have access to ample resources and professional organizations

Scholarships and Funding

Geosciences students are eligible for financial assistance from a range of internal and external sources, including:

  • Edwin Eckhart Scholarship
  • South Texas Geological Society Scholarship
  • Gem and Minerals Society Scholarship​​​​​​
  • The Department of Geosciences Roy and Tinker Funds
  • Externally-funded grants awarded to Trinity faculty
  • Murchison Research Fellowships
  • Mach Research Fellowships
Student Financial Services

Find out more scholarship and financial aid information through the Office of Student Financial Services

Student Financial Services

Research and Experiential Learning

Geosciences students take advantage of a wide range of research opportunities and various internships. Department faculty offer diverse, focused research projects, and students also engage in research with scientists at other institutions across the country.  These opportunities include working with scientists from the Keck Geology Consortium, NSF-funded Research Experiences for Undergraduates, and U.S. Department of Energy Laboratories.

Geosciences students are encouraged to take advantage of the many internship and coursework options available off-campus.

Opportunities include:

  • Thesis and Directed Study research with department faculty
  • Participation in geological or environmental field camps across the country
  • Other research opportunities

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Office of Experiential Learning

Undergraduate research is central to Trinity University's values. The Office of Experiential Learning provides a place for students to gain information about internships, community service and service-learning opportunities, beyond the classroom course projects, and undergraduate research opportunities.

Study Abroad

Today, cross-cultural understanding is as much a practical necessity as an educational standard. Study abroad is an embodiment of the liberal arts ideals and a sign of the initiative and breadth of experience employers often pursue when hiring college graduates.

Geosciences students can engage in the fascinating geology of Iceland and China, and Tigers also can study abroad as part of geoscience coursework developed by other top colleges and universities. 

Get Started

The Study Abroad Office can help you find an opportunity based on your interests and/or studies. 

Study Abroad Office

Student Organizations

Geology Club
The Geology Club is for students who share an interest in geology and want to extend their knowledge to others within the Trinity University and San Antonio community. The Club goes on field trips, performs service work, is involved in the campus and community, and hosts other activities.

Membership: Open to students with an interest in geosciences. Come to one of our meetings or contact Darya Fridman ( for more information.

2019-20 Officers

  • Darya Fridman, President
  • Katherine Jones, Vice President
  • Harry Bellow, Secretary
  • Jack Koellmann, Treasurer
  • Estella Frausto, Historian
  • Chloe Campo, Social Outreach

Sigma Gamma Epsilon Honor Society
Trinity is the home of the Delta Xi chapter of Sigma Gamma Epsilon, the national honor society for the Earth sciences. The Society was established to recognize scholarship and professionalism in the Earth sciences. It has for its objectives the scholastic, scientific, and professional advancement of its members and the extension of relations of friendship and assistance among colleges and universities that are devoted to the advancement of the Earth sciences. The Delta Xi Chapter of SGE was established in Trinity's geology department in 1981.

Any student who has completed at least 10 semester hours in geosciences courses and has maintained a minimum 3.0 G.P.A. (on a 4.0 system) in all geosciences courses together with an overall G.P.A. of 2.67 in all college courses is qualified for membership. Membership in SGE recognizes a student's strong academic performance in geology coursework and involvement and interest in the Earth sciences. In turn, it is recognized nationally as an honor awarded to a select group of students of the Earth sciences. You do not have to be a geosciences major or minor to join. New members are inducted in the spring semester. Check with the department office in February for an opportunity to apply for membership. 

Join today

Use the Student Organization Portal to join an active organization or start one on campus

Student Involvement Office

Lecture Series and Events

Geosciences Seminar
Students engage with visiting speakers in both formal and informal settings.

Upcoming Events

Stay up to date with news and events for the department

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Student Awards and Recognition

  • Tinker Fund Outstanding Senior Award
  • Ed Roy Outstanding Research Award
  • Trinity Field Camp Award