Professor Juan Sepúlveda’s service on transition team elevates student experience and 赌博娱乐平台网址大全’s national status

When 赌博娱乐平台网址大全 political science professor Juan Sepúlveda was called to serve on President Joe Biden’s transition team in late 2020, it was tempting for him to get caught up in the star power of the group.

每一个新的U.S. 总统, 共和党还是民主党, relies heavily on a transition team to prepare staffing and priorities for federal agencies and offices under a new administration. 拜登的团队, 由600多人组成, 装满了“强大?, 经验丰富的“声音, 赛普维达说. This group also contained more than 80 representatives from universities, 包括传统的学术强国.

“你希望看到你的常春藤联盟, 你的斯坦福, 大型公立学校, but I was one of the few folks coming from small liberal arts colleges,Sepúlveda说. “我喜欢这个的原因是 ... 让三位一体成为一个国家强国, especially as you build relationships with people at the federal level who are now asking me, ‘嘿, 我听说你在赌博娱乐平台网址大全,那里好吗?她说:“我只是感觉很好.”

Juan Sepulveda坐在桌前

赌博娱乐平台网址大全 would be hard-pressed to find a more ideal representative to send to the transition team than Sepúlveda, the Ron Calgaard Distinguished 访问ing Professor of Political Science who has served in two previous 总统ial administrations. As part of the transition, from October 2020 to January 2021, Sepúlveda was placed on the Arts & 人文学科机构评审小组. 他领导了公共媒体机构审查小组, which includes 总统ial nominations for the board of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, the organization that distributes the largest portion of federal funding to PBS and NPR. 这非常适合Sepúlveda, who also served as a senior executive for PBS before launching his academic career.

“You get selected [for a 总统ial transition team] because you know the area. I’ve been in public media, and that’s a complicated, confusing sector,Sepúlveda说. “I came in knowing about public broadcasting, radio, and local media organizations.”

But even shoulder-to-shoulder with national agencies and appointees, 赛普维达说 he was reminded of what makes 赌博娱乐平台网址大全 special.

“老实说, my time working with agency review teams felt similar to the type of community building that we do at 赌博娱乐平台网址大全,Sepúlveda说. “你的团队很小,很亲密,很有联系. You take care of each other; you jump in to get stuff done together.”

反过来, Sepúlveda正在把这些有用的知识带回赌博娱乐平台网址大全, 在哪些方面已经对他的学生产生了影响. 自2016年来到赌博娱乐平台网址大全以来, Sepúlveda教授城市教育和地方教育, 状态, 和国家政治, as well as helped lead the University’s Latinx Leadership Academy.

“It was ironic to me that right at the time I was asked to join this 总统ial transition, I was actually teaching a course about campaigns here at 赌博娱乐平台网址大全,Sepúlveda说. 这门课的最后一部分是关于过渡的.”

Juan Sepulveda在办公桌前谈话

So, Sepúlveda became one of the few professors in the country who can say they were able to ditch the textbook for real-time practical experience.

没有泄露任何信息, the way I designed the final segment of that class changed completely once I had been part of an actual transition—the final became the real thing,Sepúlveda说. “We had students basically preparing virtual versions of the real-life memos I had to prepare. 他们现在知道如何处理预算和人员配置, 建立优先级, 并审查潜在的政治任命. 能够告诉我的学生,真是难以置信, ‘We’re not making this up; this is the actual work you’ll do in the field.’”

Sepúlveda’s experience has also spilled over into his spring semester, where he’s teaching an urban politics course in addition to a Latinx leadership course. “Taking our students through all the various political structures, I can still talk about how the work we did on that transition team will have an effect across different agencies, 比如国务院或教育部.”

赛普维达说 the lessons taught by this practical experience are invaluable, regardless of a student’s political lean: “Whether folks are Democrats, 共和党人, 自由主义者, 或者介于两者之间, they’re telling me they just like the fact that my class can go beyond a textbook.

他继续说道:“我非常相信我的班级. “在赌博娱乐平台网址大全, 我们不只是说我们在培养批判性思考者, we’re pushing all students to see the other sides of various issues. Let’s say some students might be buying into a certain view—the classroom can be a great space to get them out of their comfort zones. 我们不只是走进教室就把我们的东西推销出去.“我们来到这里,互相推动.”

他学到了很多实用的知识, 赛普维达说 that the events of the past year—a difficult one for the University and the nation at large—have compelled him to emphasize the idea of building community.

“今年, 我有很棒的素材, but I’ve also felt that I actually can’t just dive right into teaching without first just giving students a chance to voice what’s going on in their lives,他说. “我的学生们对真实的东西敞开心扉. 某人的朋友得了COVID-19, another student was having a hard time with too many kids in their house, WiFi坏了, 所有这些事情都出了问题. But giving ourselves the space to talk about these issues, that’s the beauty of 赌博娱乐平台网址大全. We’re a small space, and we can take care of each other that way.”

耶利米Gerlach is the brand journalist for 圣赌博平台网站大全 Strategic Communications and Marketing.
