赌博娱乐平台网址大全’s New Chief of 工作人员 is Driven by Connections
Mission-driven Luisa Casso brings 20 years of private, 公共, and nonprofit experience

Luisa Casso is coming to 圣赌博平台网站大全 on a mission.

作为白宫办公厅主任 总统办公室, a newly-created position, she’ll be a member of the 行政领导团队, 促进协作和内部协调, 建立外部关系, and helping carry out the University’s strategic plan.

“我很高兴能加入 Dr. 凡妮莎比斯利 and her 行政领导团队, and the rest of the University,” says Casso. “你能在这里感受到一股能量. And I am so excited to be here to help advance the University by creating a positive environment for future leaders.”

For Casso, all of her priorities map to one goal:

“My work at 赌博娱乐平台网址大全 is not just about the university, ‘the institution.“这是关于 学生卡索说. “This is about cultivating an environment for future change makers. 这是我最兴奋的事情.”

要做到这一点, Casso says she wants to build connections for 圣赌博平台网站大全, both across campus and stretching further out into the 圣安东尼奥 community. 而且她的简历足以胜任这份工作.

卡索将带着令人印象深刻的, 20年的私人工作记录, 公共, 非营利部门. 最近, she served as the manager of corporate communications for 丰田 Motor North America, 公司., overseeing community and media engagement and philanthropic giving for the 圣安东尼奥 community. 

在她的职业生涯中, Casso says she’s taken pride not only in what she can build, 但她所能建造的 到最后.

Casso, 谁是阿尔伯克基人, 新墨西哥, started off her career working as a senior adviser to the city’s mayor, then spent eight years building a nonprofit organization aimed at revitalizing Albuquerque’s downtown area. This 公共 service gave Casso experience working in economic development, 管理预算, 并与她的员工建立伙伴关系.

“When I look at things that I have the most pride in throughout my career, some of the projects that I’ve worked on are still standing today卡索说. “我可以回阿尔伯克基, see some of the developments that are still existing, 我知道这一切都是我的功劳.”

进入企业世界, 卡索先后在可口可乐和丰田工作过, where she says she “really discovered that side of corporate America that can make change happen, 公司资金, 合作伙伴关系, 和协作.

“我学到的教训, 无论是可口可乐, 丰田, 在阿尔伯克基市工作, 或者经营一个非营利组织, they’ve all brought me to 赌博娱乐平台网址大全 with ideas of 公共 policy, 企业流程, 和效率, all of which can help to move the needle on the strategies that are going to advance 赌博娱乐平台网址大全卡索说.

和她的工作经历一样重要, Casso says she’s also coming to 赌博娱乐平台网址大全 with a strong sense of what makes the University and 圣安东尼奥 special.

第一个, Casso is also a graduate of a liberal arts institution, 就读于洛杉矶的西方学院, 她在哪里获得学士学位. 卡索研究过中东政治, 埃及的历史, 和阿拉伯语, Egypt; and Mexican politics, 历史, 文学, and Spanish at the Centro Bilingue in Cuernavaca, 墨西哥. 

“That's what I think is amazing about a liberal arts education: You come out equipped to discern and make your mark on the diverse world we live in卡索说.

Casso has also embodied 赌博娱乐平台网址大全’s value of lifelong learning, taking on an incredibly diverse set of educational experiences that have continued alongside her professional life, such as earning a Leadership Institute Governance Certificate from the Alvarez College of Business at the University of Texas at 圣安东尼奥. 

和Casso, when given the chance earlier in her career between moving to Austin or moving to 圣安东尼奥, says she received the inspiration to make the right decision during Fiesta.

“I was on the balcony of the Contessa Hotel on the Riverwalk and listening to mariachi music, 我意识到圣安东尼奥融入了我的血液. 这就是我想去的地方,”卡索说. “I wanted to be close to the culture that I know and the language that I speak. And I decided the next day to start looking for apartments. 12年后, 我在一个拥抱我的社区里, 我深深融入其中, 我在其中茁壮成长, 我和我现在称之为家的地方.”

“What's incredible to me is that this University has such deep roots in 圣安东尼奥,” she continues. “I'm excited about being a part of this team and helping to strengthen those ties with the community.” She currently serves as the chairwoman of SA Digital Connects, a 公共-private collaboration whose mission is to close the digital divide in 圣安东尼奥 and Bexar County.

展望未来, Casso says simply accomplishing her mission—advancing 赌博娱乐平台网址大全 as a positive environment for future leaders—isn’t all she’s bringing to the role. Partners in every corner of the 赌博娱乐平台网址大全 community can expect her to accomplish her mission with kindness.

“善良是一种简单的尊重行为. That is my personal mantra that my father taught me from a very young age卡索说. “When you have respect, you nurture and you invite diversity. You nurture a diversity of cultures, a diversity of thought. 在这种环境下, that's where you have innovation and advancement, because people feel comfortable when they know that they're respected and they can share their ideas.”

耶利米Gerlach is the brand journalist for 圣赌博平台网站大全 Strategic Communications and Marketing.
