
在赌博平台网站大全, one of the most important questions our 本科研究ers ask has nothing to do 与 the structure of brain cells, 复杂的社会学转变, 或者古代文学.


Do I 属于这里?

是的, 赌博娱乐平台网址大全 offers chances to innovate and make exciting new discoveries across the fields of 阀杆, 社会科学和人文科学, 所有这些都得到了令人难以置信的学术和财政支持, 还有最先进的设施和体验机会. 但是真实的故事 本科研究 在一个小的, 像赌博娱乐平台网址大全这样的文理学院是学生们的故事, 也许, 最重要的突破是: 知道他们绝对 do 属于.

在学习和科学的事业中, 当我们的学生开始做研究时, 他们开始意识到, ‘嘿, 这很有趣, 这很令人兴奋, 我可以这样做,生物学教授说。 大卫·博尔他是负责学术事务预算和研究的助理副校长. “研究 gives them a sense of 归属感 that’s connected to something they're interested in.”

Aroosa Ajani展示了城市地图的图像

这并不奇怪, 然后, to see that 赌博娱乐平台网址大全 students regularly participate in 本科研究 during their time at school, 尤其是考虑到他们面临的机会之多. 这项研究正在全国范围内引起关注,赌博娱乐平台网址大全现在也是如此 全国排名U.S. 新闻 & 世界报道 因为没有. 在本科研究和创意项目类别中有53项.

But how does University ensure these opportunities are inclusive, and spread across all disciplines? 第一个, 三位一体资助的校园研究是全额资助的, 奖金和津贴从1美元到1美元不等,000 to $4,500或更多. 

虽然许多学术部门(尤其是在 阀杆)提供学系的研究机会, 赌博娱乐平台网址大全 offers a diverse array of programs that span 多个 academic disciplines and reach students of all backgrounds. 有 梅隆倡议, which promotes 本科研究 in the arts and humanities; Murchison Fellowships, which help build faculty-student teams in all disciplines; and the 麦克奈尔学者项目, 这对第一代, 低收入, and underrepresented college students connect 与 research opportunities and prepare for graduate school.


这种兴奋不会在春天停止:夏天是活动的温床, 我们的许多研究人员都在利用梅隆大学等资源 暑期本科生研究奖学金 (冲浪)项目, an outgrowth of the 梅隆倡议 which funds research and travel and provides housing.

也许最重要的是,赌博娱乐平台网址大全的学生工作 教师,而不是他们. These faculty fully focus on students, and don’t rely on graduate students  to run their labs.

What sets 赌博娱乐平台网址大全 apart from other similar small liberal arts schools is that we don’t just rely on these big-time institutional resources we just listed: our faculty bring home elite 外部 机会也是如此,几乎每个学科都有机会.

“我们也希望我们的教师申请竞争性的资助, 因为这让我们的项目保持前沿,里布尔说. “赌博娱乐平台网址大全的教职员工都希望得到这种认可. 坦率地说,当他们得到外部资助时,研究就会更好.”

Being able to connect and work in partnership 与 elite faculty is a crucial part of building that sense of 归属感 里布尔说,在赌博娱乐平台网址大全. 里布尔说:“赌博娱乐平台网址大全的学生与教师一起工作是我们DNA的一部分。. “我们可以说,在所有学科中都是如此.”



Engineering Science professor Dany Munoz-Pinto creates a sense of 归属感 in his lab by bringing 多个 disciplines together. 

以22年的卡森·科赫为例. 医学预科的神经科学专业, Koch worked alongside two 工程 majors Anna Gonzalez ’23 and Meagan McKee ’24 to help their lab build central nervous system tissue from scratch as part of an ongoing effort to understand key elements of Alzheimer’s disease. 

和两个工科学生一起工作, 冈萨雷斯和麦基, 也给了科赫一个新的视角. “It is really cool to get out of the pre-med shell and have these experiences working 与 engineers that I might not have had otherwise,科赫说.

24岁的梅根·麦基(megan McKee)是一名有抱负的工程师,她正在穆诺兹-平托的实验室里研究生物样本.

Speaking of breaking out of a shell: McKee started her first year entirely online due to the coronavirus pandemic, 所以她很高兴能和实验室的其他人在同一个地方工作. 她说:“这个团队是我第一次亲自见到的团队之一。. 

“It’s been great hearing Carson tell us all about the neuroscience involved in this research, 而梅根和我只上了一堂生物课,冈萨雷斯补充道. “This has been such a great experience for what I want to do in the future—research and development in biomedical 工程. 这对我来说是最重要的.”

左起:艾米·斯通教授, 亚历山德拉Gallin-Parisi, 和Althea Delwiche领导了关于跨性别和非二元性别人群的研究


在社会学和传播学领域, it’s fitting that a research project thrives through building a team of professors and students that 享受在一起的时光.

Take an ongoing project that’s examining the effects of shelter-in-place orders on transgernder and non-binary people, 由传播学教授Althea Delwiche领导, Ph.D.艾米·斯通,社会学和人类学教授,博士.D.图书馆联络员兼副教授亚历山德拉Gallin-Parisi, MSLS.

他们的24届卡特加拿大学生队, 格温·麦克雷,23岁, Megan McGuire, 23岁, 和24岁的劳伦·史蒂文斯都是在前面提到的冲浪项目中相遇的, 哪个是4美元的,200年津贴, 免费住房, 还有旅行和用品的预算——但也有10周的紧张工作期.

(左起)劳伦·史蒂文斯24岁, Megan McGuire, 23岁, 格温·麦克雷,23岁 and Cutter 加拿大 '24 are part of research about Trans and non-binary individuals

加拿大, whose focus zeroed in on search algorithm patterns concerning Trans men and Trans women on social media platform TikTok, 加入小组进行文学分析, 收集期刊文章和通俗报刊文章, 交叉引用与跨和非二元主题相关的不同主题, 同时完成这篇文学评论和文学分析的注释, and conducting interviews through a survey involving more than a thousand trans and non-binary participants.


处理这样的工作量对任何本科生研究人员来说都是很困难的. That’s why the team gratefully acknowledges the close support they’ve gotten from each of their faculty mentors. 他说:“我们的教员真的很棒。. “与他们见面并谈论我们的经历实际上很有趣.”

That camaraderie isn’t just a nice-to-have: it’s an essential component to 本科研究 at 赌博娱乐平台网址大全, w在这里 faculty place just as much emphasis on teaching through research as they would 与 publishing or production. “当我们真正享受每天见面的时候, 这意味着你们在一起工作的经历非常愉快,卡特说.

玛蒂尔达·克雷尔,23岁, 罗马世界实验室的成员, 在马塞利努斯和彼得的地下墓穴中研究“诺亚方舟”.


这种友情也不是短期的. Across the disciplines of the 人文学科, faculty are finding ways to keep researchers engaged 他们在赌博娱乐平台网址大全的时光.

23岁的玛蒂尔达·克雷尔曾在罗马世界实验室的宗教系工作. 由rubsamundupertuis博士创立.D., 宗教系主任, RWL代表了一个由学生和教师组成的紧密联系的社区,他们可以专注于 多个 semesters on the intricate details of religious and non-religious writings from the Roman period.

Dupertuis says the longer-term approach of the Roman World Lab draws on research models more typically associated 与 阀杆, 学生在多个项目中与他们的教授一起工作, 建立工作伙伴关系,允许更多的变革性发现. Now, students such as Krell get to benefit from the type of long-term, close mentorship, too.

鲁本Dupertuis, 佐伊·格劳特22岁, 皮娅·罗德里格斯,22岁, 还有玛蒂尔达·克雷尔,23岁, 罗马世界实验室团队在2022年春季.

“当我收到约翰博士的电子邮件时. Dupertuis in early fall of my junior year asking me to join the lab, I was surprised,” Krell recalls. “那时我还只是一个宗教专业的未成年学生, 我觉得自己绝对没有资格参与教授的研究, 尤其是在一个项目已经进行了五年的实验室里.”

但一旦克瑞尔开始工作,冒名顶替综合症就 古老的 历史.

她开始分析各种早期基督教艺术品, 尤其是《赌博平台网站大全》,这是在马塞利努斯和彼得的罗马地下墓穴中发现的一组反复出现的符号. “罗马世界实验室是我第一次进入实验室, 它给了我写作的能力, 编辑, and research experience as well as the opportunity to contribute to ongoing projects and work 与 like-minded students,克雷尔解释道. “I even got to publish my own article—I just finished one at the end of this past semester!我很高兴最终能看到我的名字出现在公众可以看到的作品上.”

an aerial drone photo shows 赌博娱乐平台网址大全's campus looking south, 与 downtown 圣安东尼奥 in the skyline


里布尔指出,赌博娱乐平台网址大全是 本身 rooted firmly in a sense of 归属感 to the 圣安东尼奥 and South Texas communities in which it sits.

“We are in a very interesting city that provides opportunities to work 与 both industry and med schools, 与其他大学合作, 为非营利组织和类似的组织服务,里布尔写道. “We have connections in our community, I think, far greater than some of our peers do to theirs.”

And the future is only going to see more people feeling like they 属于 at 赌博娱乐平台网址大全, Ribble says. 

赌博娱乐平台网址大全现在是 国家科学基金资助 向圣安东尼奥的四所大学提供了近2美元的奖励.5 million to increase the number of historically underrepresented students and those from lower-income backgrounds obtaining bachelor’s degrees in 阀杆 fields. This grant will include research opportunities that not only extend through all four semesters, 但也有一些甚至在学校开始之前就开始了.


这与一个 最近授予 霍华德·休斯医学研究所, 旨在使其第一年和第二年的阀杆(科学), 技术, 工程, 以及数学)课程对所有学生更具包容性

“我们不仅在吸引学生来这里方面做得更好,而且我们还专注于 保留 里布尔说. “研究创造了一种归属感. 这种归属感使我们的学生成功. 这种成功让他们想要成为 在这里.”

耶利米Gerlach is the brand journalist for 圣赌博平台网站大全 Strategic Communications and Marketing.
