Chemistry professor Christina Cooley teaches students in the lab.
Getting to Know Professor Christina Cooley
We asked chemistry professor Christina Cooley a few questions to get to know her better.

With parents who were college professors, chemistry professor Christina Cooley was destined to follow into the “family business” and wanted to do so as a child. Now at 赌博娱乐平台网址大全, she says she is enjoying her “dream job” teaching and listening to students.

What do you like most about teaching 赌博娱乐平台网址大全 students?
My favorite part about teaching 赌博娱乐平台网址大全 students is getting to know them personally and hearing their stories. I love interacting with students during lab classes (where we spend a lot of time together) and office hours. A lot of interesting and meaningful mentoring interactions happen in those contexts and it's just a lot of fun.

How do you motivate your students?
Organic chemistry is a tough subject, but I really try to make it engaging and fun to learn. I especially like to make connections to real life and bring the organic chemistry that is happening all around us and in our bodies to light.

What are some of your pre-class rituals?
I wouldn't say that I have a particular ritual as much as drinking some coffee, thinking through how I want to approach the material, and show up fired up and ready to go!

How did you get involved in your field of study?
I have loved science ever since I was a little kid, and always knew that I wanted to be a professor someday. I love chemistry and biology and feel that Organic Chemistry is a great bridge subject that sheds light on both worlds at the same time. It can be eye-opening to approach biological questions from a chemical mindset.

What is your favorite aspect of teaching? 最不喜欢的? 为什么?
My favorite aspect of teaching is working with the bright, motivated 赌博娱乐平台网址大全 students every day! My least favorite aspect has to be grading lab notebook pages and lab reports. However, it's a necessary evil.

谁激励你? 为什么?
我的父母激励着我. They are both professors and I grew up in academia with them as amazing role models. I always envisioned following in their footsteps someday and teaching here at 赌博娱乐平台网址大全 is really my dream come true.

最喜欢的颜色? 为什么?
I don't really have a favorite color, I just enjoy bright colors of all types. I also think it's always fun to wear red.

What profession other than yours would you like to attempt? 为什么?
Although I am positive I am currently in my dream job, I also think it would be very interesting to be a medical doctor. I would enjoy thinking about health and disease from a more holistic patient perspective rather than a molecular perspective. Plus, I would get to be around people all day!

What's your favorite expression? 最不喜欢的表达? 为什么?
Expression could be interpreted a few different ways, but I will choose smile and frown. I smile a lot, and I love it when people are smiling, especially my little children. Of course I never want to see anyone frowning, especially my students.....unless it's a frown of intense concentration!

最喜欢的运动队? 为什么?
I would have to say the Stanford Cardinal. I went to Stanford for graduate school during a really fun era - the Jim Harbaugh / Andrew Luck / Richard Sherman rebuild of the football program. My husband interviewed the players and coaches on a weekly basis and we are now lifelong Stanford football fans.

你最喜欢的单词是什么? 你最不喜欢的词? 为什么?
I think my favorite word is "awesome" because I tend to use it all the time. My least favorite word is "can't" because I don't like to think anyone can't do anything - it's just a matter of trying hard enough and in the right way.

Where would you like to retire?
That feels like a LONG time away, but ideally somewhere warm. Hopefully there will be family nearby, 但如果不是, then a fun vacation destination so everyone will always want to come visit!

苏茜P. 冈萨雷斯 helped tell 赌博娱乐平台网址大全's story as part of the University communications team.
