rosalind jones does jazz hands in her all-female a cappella group. all members are on stage wearing black against a blue backdrop
The Chemistry of Coffee

It is difficult to write a profile of Rosalind “Roz” Jones ‘86. 

I mean, I can tell you facts about Roz Jones. 

她是一名化学工程师,在陶氏化学公司工作了20年,她对大公司的文化和实践有着非凡的见解,她主要从事塑料研究, and she now works for the smaller firm Trimeric. Trimeric “serves any industry that needs chemical engineering,” such as oil and gas, the food industry, and carbon capture technologies. “And then there’s my favorite, 他们有自己的将生物质转化为燃料的过程, they know how to do that in their beakers, but they don’t know how to scale that up, so we help them to scale up that design. 这将是什么样子,这将花费什么,这些类型的东西,”罗兹解释说. 她还说:“我对安全非常感兴趣……我促进了过程危险安全审查.她希望确保与他们合作的行业尽可能安全, 因此,她会评估他们的做法,并告诉他们如何改进.

罗兹在奥斯汀住了很多年,是杰克逊湖几个不同合唱团的成员, San Antonio, and Houston. 她现在是国际无伴奏合唱团Sweet Adelines的成员,已有25年的历史,并与他人共同创立了另一个无伴奏合唱团, A Cappella Unlimited, which placed second in the International Harmony Classic, Division A competition in 2019 in New Orleans. (We both love the spooky aspects of the French Quarter, 她有一个关于“遇见”去世已久的玛丽·拉沃的故事, the famous voodoo queen; it’s hair raising.)

我可以告诉你,琼斯喜欢赌博娱乐平台网址大全化学系的全体教职员工,但他特别感激琼斯博士. Mahbub Uddin, who still teaches at Trinity. She said it was “impossible to fail in that man’s presence. 他的职责是让你学习,而不是把你从项目中剔除. 他会对每个学生都给予个别的关注,他会随时为学生提供帮助.“在罗兹的职业生涯中,他一直是她生活中积极的存在, still responsive, helpful, and “bubbly.” Which makes him, in my view, the very image of the best professors Trinity offers; they are one reason being a Trinity alum is such a special thing. There’s a “cache” in having gone to Trinity, as Roz said, but those relationships we’re able to build there, 教授们对他们的领域和教学都充满热情, make our experience lastingly valuable.

These are all facts and truths of Roz, 但写她的个人简介是困难的,因为它本质上是简化的, and Roz is not a woman who can ever be reduced to a nutshell. 我可以肯定地说:她很好奇,她是一个创造性的问题解决者, both by profession and nature. Roz also has a storytelling style that often skews away from judgment or pronouncement to allow facts to speak for themselves; it’s a powerful way to communicate and allows the listener to draw their own conclusions. 
She also uses her curiosity in Sweet Adelines. 该组织现在认识到,一些老歌的内容和主题已不再合适或可接受. 该组织开发了一套工具,便于研究和学习这些歌曲. “为了演唱一首歌,你必须知道这首歌的真正含义. And so we actually do things like write the song down like a poem; look up who wrote the words, who wrote the music, who arranged the music; what was happening in the time when this song was written; who are the people who have performed it; what types of musical genres has it been performed in. 当你唱这首歌的时候,它真的会让一首歌与众不同, 这个人在从欧洲到美国旅行的时候写了这首歌.S. to immigrate; you perform better.” 

从定义上讲,她的整个化学工程生涯就是创造性地解决问题, 但在其他无数场合,她也发挥了自己的创造性思维. 有一次,她应邀在一个职业日活动上对一群孩子讲话, she says, “当时我正在研究一种聚合物,这种聚合物将用于麦当劳的开心乐园餐玩具. So I hold up these Happy Meal toys, and all the kids are excited because they know what these are, and I ask them, ‘What do you like about these? And what do you not like?’其中一个孩子说,‘哦,它们坏了,油漆掉了,诸如此类的事情.“我向他们展示了我作为塑料研究人员的工作,我将制作开心乐园餐玩具,他们在麦当劳就能买到这些玩具。.” 

我最后一个关于她对一个问题的创造性方法的例子是一个个人的例子. We were talking about our love of coffee, 我告诉她,我身上明显发生了变化,因为我发现自己喝咖啡的能力在不断下降. It had begun to invariably make me agitated.

Here was our subsequent exchange:

RJ: “You think about this. Coffee comes from a bean that grows on a tree. 我有时会想,特别是如果你一直喝同样的咖啡,感觉就永远不一样了. It can’t be the same. That tree, 如果它在2015年种了一些东西,非常美味,你喜欢它,对你的身体有好处, with all the weather changes that are occurring, and the soil is different, and different birds came by, nature’s different. 即使他们尝试,2021年的咖啡也会有所不同. I always think of that.”

EF: “Because you’re a chemist and it would never occur to me!”

Thanks to her perspective, 一个化学的观点传达给一个科学上受到挑战的女人, I changed coffee brands, and I write this comfortably after my second cup. 

艾米丽·菲茨杰拉德95年在赌博娱乐平台网址大全获得戏剧学位,主修戏剧文学(以及表演/导演)。. 她在威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校获得戏剧文学硕士学位,并在圣迭戈分校获得法学博士学位. Mary’s, where she was on the law review. 艾米丽在安东尼安大学教英语和戏剧,并在俄勒冈州立大学和西北远景大学教戏剧课. For the last six years, 她一直在圣安东尼奥的加班剧院编剧和导演戏剧. 她目前有一个新的制作公司,并准备推出一个博客. Reading and writing are favorites in her life.

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